Hello guys
welcome to the first notes about the TOCFL A2
if you haven't watch this video, please check it first.
So, the first sentence
How long does it take to go there.
「去那裡需要多少時間」(qù nàlǐ xūyào duōshǎo shíjiān)
you can also say
「去那裡需要多久」(qù nàlǐ xūyào duōjiǔ)
多少 (duōshǎo) it means how much
時間 (shíjiān) it means time
久 (jiǔ) it means long (for the time)
About three hours
鐘頭(zhōngtóu)、小時(xiǎoshí) both mean hour
The sentence would be
大概需要三個鐘頭(dàgài xūyào sānge zhōngtóu)
大概需要三個小時(dàgài xūyào sānge xiǎoshí)
前天qiántiān the day before yesterday
昨天zuótiān yesterday
今天jīntiān today
明天míngtiān tomorrow
後天hòutiān the day after tomorrow
xīngqí lǐbài
星期一 禮拜一 Monday
星期二 禮拜二 Tuesday
星期三 禮拜三 Wednesday
星期四 禮拜四 Thursday
星期五 禮拜五 Friday
星期六 禮拜六 Saturday
星期日 禮拜日 Sunday
And then, let's do some challenges
1. How to say " The day after tomorrow is my birthday" ?
2.How to say " Tomorrow is Wednesday" ?
3.How to say " Yesterday was Monday" ?
Please leave a comment and I'll show you the answer.
See you soon!