Hello, welcome back here.

Take a look at the video first. Then check the notes. 


💡新聞xīnwén news

    報紙bàozhǐ newspaper

    雜誌zházhì  magzine


💡爆炸bàozhà (n)explosion (v) explode

    炸彈zhàdàn (n)bomb

    那裡爆炸了 There exploded

    nàlǐ bàozhà le

    這裡被放了一顆炸彈 Here was put a bomb

    zhèlǐ bèi fàng le yìkē zhàdàn


💡奔跑 bēnpǎo run


    hǎoduō rén tīngdào bàozhà shēng jiù kāishǐ bēnpǎo

    Many people started running when they heard explosion

💡 跑步 pǎobù   (exercise) run


     jiějie de xìngqù shì pǎobù

     My sisiter's interest is running

💡 慢跑 mànpǎo jogging


     gēge mǎitiān zǎoshàng dōuhuì qù mànpǎo

    My brother goes jogging every morning.


That's all! Hope you like this notes for this video.

See you next time. 👋

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